7 Ways to Engage Your Employees Before, During, and After Open Enrollment
October 5, 2021
Employee Wellness Ideas for 2022: A Month-to-Month Guide
December 22, 2021We’ve all heard it: the holidays are the most wonderful time of the year. But for some people, the months of November and December bring on a flood of emotions — ranging from extremely positive to deeply nostalgic. Couple the holidays with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the next several weeks can be especially trying for those who may feel lonely, are grieving, or are having financial difficulties.
As an employer, you realize that the mental health of your employees can make a drastic difference in their happiness, productivity, accuracy, and efficiency. For that reason, investing in their mental health through an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is just as important as any other type of benefit you may offer them.
Beyond simply offering these benefits, it’s important to encourage your employees to use them. Seeking help for mental health remains a stigma in today’s society, but it shouldn’t be. Encourage your employees to take every opportunity available to them, whether it’s seeing a mental health therapist, participating in fitness classes, or reaching out to groups for understanding and friendship.
What is an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)?
An Employee Assistance Program is a voluntary, work-based program for employees who may have personal or work-related concerns. EAPs address a broad range of issues pertaining to mental health and wellness, and counselors are available to work with managers to address employees’ challenges.
Some of the most common benefits within an Employee Assistance Program include:
- Free and confidential assessments
- Short-term counseling
- Referrals
- Follow-up services to employees who may be struggling
Whether it’s for the overall workplace or individual employees, EAPs aim to improve mental and emotional well-being by addressing the following issues, among many others:
- Alcohol and substance abuse
- Stress
- Grief
- Family problems
- Psychological disorders
Employee Assistance Programs can even be effective in coping with emergency situations and preventing workplace violence.
Why Mental Health Should Be a Part of Your Employee Benefits Package
Mental health is in super-high demand right now for the above reasons and more, but people are not getting help when they need it. Employees may feel uncomfortable admitting that they need help, and even when they do decide to seek help, they might not know where to go.
Further complicating the issue is the misguided belief that mental health treatment is expensive or not covered by insurance, when in reality there are many solutions that might not even cost a dime.
That’s where your Employee Assistance Program can truly make a difference in your employees’ quality of life. Mental health treatment involves many different facets, from substance abuse prevention and physical wellness to speaking with a therapist. Your EAP combined with the insurance benefits help to ensure that your team members have resources when they need them.
When you do incorporate an Employee Assistance Program into your benefits package, make sure your team members are aware of all the options available to them. EAPs even offer in-home virtual care so employees can do things in the comfort of their own home.
Employers who work with Michigan Planners can also complement an EAP with our Well-Being Program, which offers a dynamic approach to improving the mental health and wellness of employees, their spouses, and their dependents through tools and resources from established wellness campaigns and programs. We provide plan participants with an active process toward a fulfilling life with a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.
Contact us to learn more about Employee Assistance Program benefits and how to incorporate them into your employee benefits packages.